Basic Usage

At its most fundamental level, this library was designed to make working with the VELOCIraptor catalogues easier. It does this by abstracting away the HDF5 file into a python object, where each array has units associated with it.

Registered Quantities

Within the library, there are sets of registration functions that turn the velociraptor data into python data with units, associated with an object. Each of these registration functions acts on different classes of properties. We describe the available registration functions (these are not entirely complete!) below:

  • metallicity: properties that start with Zmet
  • ids: properties that are to do with IDs, such as Halo IDs or the most bound particle ID.
  • energies: properties starting with E
  • stellar_age: the t_age property
  • rotational_support: the kappa properties that describe rotational support
  • star_formation_rate: properties starting with SFR
  • masses: properties starting with M or Mass, e.g. M_200crit
  • eigenvectors: shape properties
  • radii: properties starting with R, that are various characteristic radii
  • temperature: properties starting with T such as the temperature of the halo
  • veldisp: velocity dispersion quantities
  • structure_type: the structure type properties
  • velocities: velocity properties
  • positions: various position properties, such as Xc
  • concentration: concentration of the halo, contains cNFW
  • rvmax_quantities: properties measured inside RVmax
  • angular_momentum: various angular momentum quantities starting with L
  • projected_apertures: several projected apertures and the quantities associated with them
  • apertures: properties measured within apertures
  • element_mass_fractions: element mass fractions within the halo
  • fail_all: a registration function that fails all tests, development only.

To extract properties, you need to instantiate a velociraptor.VelociraptorCatalogue. You can do this by:

from velociraptor import load

data = load("/path/to/")

masses_200crit = data.masses.m_200crit

Here, we have the values of M_200crit stored in kgs, correctly applied based on the unit metadata in the file.

There is also full unit information available in the data.units object, with an astropy cosmology object provided as data.units.cosmology.

Subsets of the catalogue can be read by providing a mask, for instance to read only values for the 3rd object in the catalogue (indexed from 0):

Creating your first plot

If, for example, we wish to create a mass function of these values, we can use the tools,

from import create_mass_function
from velociraptor.labels import get_full_label, get_mass_function_label
from unyt import Mpc

# Convert to stellar masses because that 'makes sense'

box_volume = (25 * Mpc)**3

# Set the edges of our halo masses,
lowest_halo_mass = 1e9 * unyt.msun
highest_halo_mass = 1e14 * unyt.msun

bin_centers, mass_function, error = tools.create_mass_function(
   halo_masses, lowest_halo_mass, highest_halo_mass, box_volume

We now have a halo mass function, but the fun doesn’t end there - we can get pretty labels automatically out of the python tools:

mass_label = get_full_label(masses_200crit)
mf_label = get_mass_function_label("200crit", mass_function)

If you want to try this out yourself, you can use the example scripts available in the repository. Currently, we have scripts that create a HMF, SMF, and a galaxy-size stellar-mass plot.